Screen & Shade Color Options


When shopping for solar control fabrics, you first need to decide what opacity you're looking for. Our two most popular options are 95 and 90. Fabrics rated 95 will block out 95% of light, only letting 5% in, and 90 fabrics will block out 90% and let in 10%. Fabrics that are less opaque will be better to see through, whereas higher opacities will be more energy efficient.


Many customers gravitate to lighter color shades, thinking that they will be able to see through them better. However, the opposite is true! Since lighter colors reflect light and darker colors absorb light, our black and brown fabrics will have more transparency over our white and cream colors.



The process is simple- One of our technicians will come to your home and take precise measurements, which are then submitted to our manufacturers, who custom create your furnishings which we then install in your home.

1. Measure

Young man taking measure of window for blinds installation at home

2. Order

Samples of blinds for windows in the store

3. Install

Window with sand coloured roll sun blinds

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